Call for Papers and Panels
The Computer Security Foundations Symposium is an annual conference for researchers in computer security. CSF seeks papers on foundational aspects of computer security, e.g., formal security models, relationships between security properties and defenses, principled techniques and tools for design and analysis of security mechanisms as well as their application to practice. While CSF welcomes submissions beyond the topics listed below, the main focus of CSF is foundational security: submissions that lack foundational aspects risk rejection.
Invited Speakers
- Joseph Halpern (Cornell University), joint invited talk with LICS 2013
- Markus Jakobsson (PayPal)
- Benjamin C. Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
New theoretical results in computer security are welcome. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Access control Accountability Anonymity and Privacy Authentication Cryptographic protocols Data and system integrity Database security Data provenance |
Decidability and complexity Distributed systems security Electronic voting Executable content Formal methods for security Game Theory and Decision Theory Hardware-based security Information flow |
Intrusion detection Language-based security Network security Resource usage control Security for mobile computing Security models Socio-technical security* Trust and trust management |
Challenges and Vision Papers: We particularly encourage challenge/vision papers, which may describe open questions and raise fundamental concerns about practical security. Challenges and/or vision papers should typically identify a real world security problem, argue why it raises foundational issues, explain why the currently available and relevant foundational techniques are inadequate for addressing it, and identify foundational challenges that have to be addressed to solve the problem. These papers will appear in the CSF proceedings and will be presented at the conference without any distinction from papers that present new technical results.
Proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, will be available at the symposium, and selected papers will be invited for submission to the Journal of Computer Security.
Paper Submission Instructions
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with published proceedings. Failure to clearly identify any duplication or overlap with other published or submitted papers is ground for rejection without full review.
Papers should be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF). Papers submitted in a proprietary word processor format such as Microsoft Word cannot be considered. At least one coauthor of each accepted paper is required to attend CSF to present the paper.
Papers must be submitted using the two-column IEEE Proceedings style available for various document preparation systems at the IEEE Conference Publishing Services page. Regular papers should be at most 12 pages long, not counting bibliography and well-marked appendices. Committee members are not required to read appendices, and so the paper must be intelligible without them. Papers not adhering to the page limits will be rejected without consideration of their merits.
Challenge/vision papers should be clearly identified (by including the words "Challenge Paper" or "Vision Paper" in the title or subtitle) and should follow the same format requirements as regular papers.
Papers should be submitted using the CSF 2013 submission site at The full paper submission deadline is February 7th, 2013. The preliminary submission of an abstract is mandatory and the deadline is January 30th, 2013.
Panel Proposals
Proposals for panels are welcome. They should be no more than three pages in length, and should include the names of possible panelists and an indication of which of those panelists have confirmed a desire to participate. They should be submitted by email to the program chairs at Turn on JavaScript to view the email address.
* Socio-technical security: concepts, models and techniques to analyse the role of humans in [information] security.