
Map of locations.

Full LICS/MFPS/CSF program, and additional information.


Tuesday, June 25th
6:00pm-7:30pmReception (joint with MFPS and LICS)
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Qatar Room
To share a taxi from the hotel to the reception, please meet in the hotel lobby at 5:40pm.
Buses back to Astor Hotel 7:30pm, 8:00pm, and 8:20pm
Wednesday, June 26th
Buses leave from Astor Hotel 7:30am, 8:00am, and 8:30am
8:00am-9:00am Continental breakfast
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
Registration Table open outside Room 1834, 8am to 10:30am.
9:00am-10:00am Invited talk
Chair: Véronique Cortier
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
10:00am-10:30am Break
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
10:30am-12:00pmInformation Flow 1
Chair: Catuscia Palamidessi
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
12:00pm-2:00pm Lunch
2:00pm-3:00pmLanguage-based security 1
Chair: Gilles Barthe
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
3:00pm-3:30pm Break
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
3:30pm-4:30pmLanguage-based security 2
Chair: David Basin
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
4:30pm-5:30pmBusiness meeting
Buses back to Astor Hotel 5:45pm, 7:30pm, and 7:45pm
Thursday, June 27th
Buses leave from Astor Hotel 7:30am, 8:00am, and 8:30am
8:00am-9:00am Continental breakfast
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
Registration Table open outside Room 1834, 8am to 10:30am.
9:00am-10:00amInvited talk
Chair: Stephen Chong
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
  • Markus Jakobsson (PayPal, FatSkunk)
    Talk title: Wearable Security.
    Slides: Available as PDF

    The existing security paradigm does not work for mobile and wearable computing due to limitations in battery power, computational resources and user interfaces; and is also commonly impacted by constraints imposed by carriers. Using Google Glass as an example platform, how can a user input a credential without exposing it to observers? How can the system protect a user against information overload and spam — a problem that is only going to increase in importance as the user is constantly exposed to messaging? And how can we protect users against malware and service providers against digital right breaches, such as jailbreaks and unpaid tethering?

10:00am-10:30am Break
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
10:30am-12:00pmAccess control
Chair: Joshua Guttman
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm-3:00pmQuantitative security
Chair: Boris Köpf
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
3:00pm-3:30pm Break
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
3:20pm-5:00pmFive minutes talks
Chair: Matteo Maffei
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
Buses back to Astor Hotel 5:15pm, 5:45pm, and 6:00pm
7:00pm-Banquet (joint with LICS)
Location: Astor Hotel
7pm: Cash bar; 7:30pm Dinner
Friday, June 28th
Buses leave from Astor Hotel 7:30am and 8:00
8:00am-9:00am Continental breakfast
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
Registration Table open outside Room 1834, 8am to 10:30am.
9:00am-10:00am Invited talk
Chair: Anupam Datta
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
  • Benjamin C. Pierce (University of Pennsylvania)
    Talk title: The SAFE Machine: An Architecture for Pervasive Information Flow.
    Slides: Available on Benjamin Pierce's website
    The CRASH/SAFE project is building a network host that is highly resiliant to cyber-attack. One pillar of the design is pervasive mechanisms for tracking information flow. At the lowest level, the SAFE hardware offers fine-grained tagging and efficient support for propagating and combining tags on each instruction dispatch. The operating system virtualizes these generic facilities to provide the information-flow abstract machine on which user programs run. In this talk, we'll take a guided tour of (a simplified model of) the SAFE hardware and software and an end-to-end proof of noninterference for this model.
10:00am-10:30am Break
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
10:30am-12:00pmPanel on Emerging Science of Security
Panelists: David Basin (ETH), Mark Miller (Google), Milind Tambe (USC)
Moderator: Joshua Guttman (WPI)
12:00pm-2:00pm Lunch
2:00pm-3:30pmInformation Flow 2
Chair: Limin Jia
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
3:30pm-4:00pm Break
Location: Lavin-Bernick Center (Building 29), Room 1834
4:00pm-5:30pmPrivacy and cryptography
Chair: Matteo Maffei
Location: Freeman Auditorium, Building 82
Buses back to Astor Hotel 6:15pm and 6:30pm
Saturday, June 29th
Buses leave from Astor Hotel 7:30am and 8:00
FCS, STAST, and, FCC workshops. See the co-located events page for details.